Barrio E’ is a unique community cultural organization to foster Latino Cultures and Arts in the state of Colorado. It brings awareness of cultural diversity while promoting inclusiveness, and a safe space for integration of our society. Barrio E’ was founded September 23, 2012 and became fiscally sponsored by the Boulder County Arts Alliance (BCAA) in February 6, 2013.
Fundada por nuestra Directora Tamil Maldonado Vega
el 23 de septiembre del 2012, Conmemorando el Día del Grito de Lares.
Founded by our Director Tamil Maldonado Vega
on September 23, 2012, Commemorating "Grito de Lares" Day.

Director Tamil Maldonado

Tamil and Barrio E' became Fiscally Sponsored
by Boulder County Arts Alliance - 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization on February 6, 2013.