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Barrio E' fosters Latino Arts and Culture in the state of Colorado
Misión / Mission
Barrio E’ aspira crear una comunidad artística diversa que desarrolle y mantenga un espacio cultural y artístico el cual exponga, eduque, preserve, y promueva el arte, la música, bailes y cultura Caribeños y de Latinoamérica en Colorado.
Barrio E' (“Community is”) aims to create a diverse artistic community who develops and maintains a cultural and artistic space to expose, educate, preserve, and promote Caribbean and Latin American music, dances, arts and cultures in Colorado.
Metas / Goals
We promote inclusion, diversity, community integration, education and awareness of cultural identification, preservation and authenticity of traditional music and dance, in addition of our interest to make it accessible to the community across ages, ethnicities, and personal and professional backgrounds.
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